Radical Agenda S06E085 – Greg Conte

Radical Agenda
Radical Agenda
Radical Agenda S06E085 - Greg Conte

Greg Conte is a friend to me and the show. A repeat guest many of you already know about. I have admired his writing for many years. That and his balls. Not an anatomical reference, as I should hope obvious.

He has held leadership positions in several dissident right efforts and organizations. Back when I was on trial in Virginia in 2017 and 2018, he acted as my body guard. He found himself in handcuffs after putting his body on the line with the Traditionalist Worker Party at Michigan State University in March of 2018.

I could kill a lot of time talking about his accomplishments and credentials. Spent nearly the entire member show doing just that on Wednesday, and I know I said I’d be repeating much of that but don’t fast forward because I’ve got plenty more to say, more than we could hope to get to, matter of fact. But what I’ve long appreciated about this man is that he has a combination of qualities to his character which are tremendously scarce today. It’s likely safe to assume that scarcity has always existed, but today it could fairly be said that it is on the brink of extinction.

He’s got the courage to put himself in harm’s way. The skill and strength to survive that peril. The questionable sanity required to do this more than once in a lifetime.

And he’s actually pretty brilliant on top of this.

It’s not to disrespect warriors that I say few of them are poets. The man who decides when to wage war is rarely the man who dies in it, and I’m pretty okay with that arrangement, truth be told. That responsibility could certainly be wielded more prudently than any of us have witnessed in our lifetimes, but there must be a division of labor in any human endeavor worth speaking about.

Thus I consider it just, and good, that some men fight with fists, others with guns, others with pens, and others with money.

But when you meet a guy who can slay with a word, and also possesses those traits one needs in a melee… Man, is that cool or what?


I was contacted by a mutual friend about having Greg on this show to talk about some of the lawfare grinding decent folks down to the nub.

Truth be told I was kinda reluctant about the subject matter. I’m pretty tired of it, having been, to too many people, a prime example of its victims.

But I like Greg, and if he’s on it, I know it will be handled competently to say the least of it. So, I figure, what the hell? Let’s have a long overdue chin wag with an old friend.

As I’m procrastinating my preparations, Greg drops upon me a link to an article he’s written at the Occidental Observer titled “Antifa Prosecution Chokes at Trial; Virginia Attorney General Candidate Shannon Taylor’s Key Witness Proven Liar“, and it gets added to my news consumption for Wednesday.

Reading the piece I forget all about Jewish spies and cavemen with beepers in 2024. Which, as an aside, if you’re still carrying a pager, you probably deserve to get blown up, even if the guys who did it are also monsters.

I get this image in my head, published atop a beautifully written piece dated March of 2018, describing a fight happened involving Greg. Titled “A Picture of Unity” it was published at AltRight.com and written by a fellow who called himself AHAB at that time. The AltRight.com site appears to be out of commission, but I’ve included the Archive.Today link in today’s show description.

In the image, Greg is wearing this formal business like outfit on, and he’s in this perilous moment with a guy covered in tats wearing an outfit that let’s you know he’s perfectly okay with getting into serious trouble.

Any other scene you see with these two guys in it you assume Greg’s about to be a crime victim, but the looks on their faces let you know that this time, they’re on the same team.

And if you’re not familiar with what happened you’re like how the hell is this even possible?

But if you actually give a crap about human beings, it’s pretty intuitive.

Rugged men without prudent leaders are not warriors, they are criminals. We see this all the time, sadly. Roberta Kaplan bragged about it to Moment Magazine, actually. An interview in which she said;

“If they get a new job, we will garnish their wages. The reason to do that is because we want to create a deterrence impact. So we send a message to other people that if you try to do something like this, the same thing will happen to you. And it already has been a deterrence. We’re seeing lone shooters now; we’re not seeing the kind of massively organized conspiracy we saw in Charlottesville. And I think that’s in large part due to our case.”

In large part indeed. Now, mind you that Roberta Kaplan already had discovery in the Sines v. Kessler case by the time she did this. She bragged about the “reams of information” which is distinct from “evidence” they had gathered using subpoena power against their opponents. She knew by this time that she would not be able to prove her claim of a racially motivated violent conspiracy, and as you all by now are aware, they did not prove that claim. We beat them, or, some might prefer to say, I beat them. To prevent people from organizing a demonstration, they take pride in causing people to murder their coethnics as they pray, and then they go out and take credit for the bloodshed, because they are ghouls.

You stick your head out as a leader with competence and convictions, they’ll knock it off your shoulders. They’ll do that in the hopes that the men who follow you will be rudderless, and that they will do something stupid and violent and horrifying. Then Jews like Roberta Kaplan go tell their Jew friends “I made him do that, give me praise and prizes”.

Because they are monsters. That’s what they are.

Rugged men require, for their benefit and that of our species, the guidance of men who are too occupied with their thoughts, to do the things rugged men do.

Guys like Greg Conte, and to a lesser extent, you might say Donald Trump, provide a very valuable perspective. One that is too often overlooked.

We are all too familiar with the method of handling things where the thinking man sends the rugged men to channel his will into action.

Too rare is it that we see the will of rugged men, carried forth by those who spend their time tinkering with ideas. Actually understanding what happens on the street, and in the defendant’s chair, and in the homes of men who are too busy working themselves to death to be troubled with the frivolities that occupy the sub human minds of our Press. Taking those concerns, and channeling them into compelling text and speech and other means of transmission, in service to the men who are literally dying and going to prison, in the hopes that it will benefit people they will never meet.

That period of time when the Alt Right was ascendant, brought forth a lot of beauty. That image I mentioned at the outset, chief among them. Beauty is a subject I developed a greater appreciation for after having been starved of it in prison for a few years, as you might have read in an excellent book by a fellow I think you’ve heard of.

If you listen to this show regularly, you know I’ve had kind of a rough time with it lately, honestly. I haven’t been writing the monologues that made the show what it used to be. We haven’t had much in the way of callers. Listenership is down and with that so are the financial resources. That’s all discouraging, I have just plain felt uninspired.

And that’s this downward spiral you can get into when you’re feeling uninspired and then your content isn’t as good and then you lose support and that loss further saps your inspiration. It’s not a good feeling and it’s not easy to pull oneself out of something like that.

Probably for the first time in at least three months, probably closer to six or even twelve, I was on the edge of my seat Wednesday, excited about a Charlottesville Story. The subject matter, like I said despite its tremendous importance, I have honestly been just exhausted of. I get to feeling like we’ve done everything we can do and all you can do now is take the beating and see how well you heal.

Guys go to prison, and at first it’s this big crazy thing. After it happens a few times it’s like “Yeah, that’s how it works bud. I went there, you’ll be alright. Send me a kite. Hollar at so and so for me.”

That’s not good. In my book Beauty Revisited, I talked about how being deprived of beauty behind the walls made me appreciate it more. How being deprived of pornography, caused me to become uneasy when I viewed it again. How we get desensitized to things, and the impact this has on one’s perceptions.

It’s not good for us to get desensitized to this stuff, either. Every guy who gets dragged out of his house, or off an airplane, or handcuffed in front of his coworkers, to be dragged back to the People’s Democratic Republic of Virginia, paraded around like a criminal as terrorists giggle to themselves in the public areas of what were once courthouses, is a tragedy. Every day one of those families puts off having a child so they can go bankrupt fighting these preposterous schemes, is is a lifetime of suffering for our people.

And if somebody doesn’t fucking take the fight back to these people, that’s it. It’s over. They win. We lose. And then of course, everyone loses, because without us, the world is jungle fucking chaos.

There are times when I just feel resigned to that if I’m honest with you. I try not to say so out loud because I don’t think that’s a certainty and I don’t want to black pill. I don’t want to bring that outcome about with my own attitude. But sometimes I don’t know what else to say, and trying to follow these stories, to the extent that I have, hasn’t helped, until pretty recently.

Greg’s writing style had me literally punching in the air, on the edge of my seat, cheering him on. The story was a good one, he was covering the trial of Jacob Dix who just got his charges dismissed after those lunatics in Albemarle county couldn’t take a jury hung 8-4 in the Defendant’s favor as a hint that this wasn’t a winning hand. But I already knew that was the outcome, actually. I was glad for Mr. Dix, mentioned it on here once or twice, but I just had this sense of dread that if I got my hopes up about it, perhaps worse if I got your hopes up about it, that I’d live to  regret doing that.

But among the nearly 2,000 words of praise I heaped upon Greg that afternoon was the sentiment that he had put some much needed wind in my sails. I was grateful to him and others who had kept talking about these stories, even as the crooks who did this to us suppress the information and make it impossible for us to make a living, despite the fact that our greenest beginners possess more talent than their heaviest hitters.

It’s a goddamn crime those talentless pieces of shit flood our newspapers and datacenters with fucking smut and have the nerve to put their real names and photos anywhere near it, all the more that they actually get paid well for this poison.

And again, I’m just talking about the fucking writing. The nonsense of subject matter is too obvious to warrant mention, on an episode of this production.

The contrast between the talent required to produce what Greg had sent me, and the fucking sub human ChatGPT drivel I was too disgusted by to even bother complaining about, puts the nails in the coffin of this mythical meritocracy we supposedly live under.

At one point in the piece he talks about what it was that is measured by a jury trial. It was so well put that I must quote it at length here.

Before I get into the details, you should be aware: as with all jury trials, the facts don’t really matter. Especially in political trials like that of Mr. Dix. What matters is lawyers’ ability to drive their points home to the jury. The point of a trial isn’t to scientifically determine the truth. It is to see which side is more convincing.

We haven’t gone so far from the old “trial by combat.” The only difference is that the winner isn’t the better swordsman, it’s the better wordsmith. Many jurors feel that whoever is more convinced of their own rightness will speak better and therefore must be in the right.

This is dangerous, because “liberal” careerists (like Shannon Taylor or Albemarle prosecutors Jim Hingeley and Lawton Tufts) are supremely convinced of their own rightness. They have no trouble making brazen and unfair attacks against a defendant because they are not of a philosophical disposition that cares about truth or rightness. They take the system’s morality as an assumption and fight for it.

That’s the way it is. There’s no point in hoping for more discerning juries or more fair-minded prosecutors. This is the game, and we have to play by their rules. Fight fire with fire.

That right there, I think there’s some room to debate, actually. I’m not anxious to, it’d be a waste of time really, but it’s not impossible to have better prosecutors, that’s kinda the whole point of seeking political power, if you ask me. But that’s not what I mean to get at. That part of that thing right there is a perfect example of the very thing it describes. It’s persuasive.

If you listened to the beginning of Stage Six and the early episodes of SurrealPolitiks, you’ll recall I did an episode titled “Persuasive” in which we went over some literature on the psychology of influence, particularly the work of a behavioral psychologist named Robert Cialdini. The facts are not what move jurors or voters or hiring managers or the woman you hope will be mother to your children, for that matter.

You gotta see past that idea that, you being right is what’s important. That’s not the deciding factor. It never has been. Were that the case, obviously everything would be fine, ostensibly. Everybody would just know the truth and the truth would always prevail and there would be no controversy. I don’t know how much fun that would be, but it would sure eliminate a lot of conflict.

Then again, I don’t know a whole lot of interesting stories that lack conflict, so, maybe it’s not so bad that the facts need a little help from time to time.

Put the highest paid and most revered affirmative action hire these goons have trained to do tricks with a pen….

Give him from now until the end of time, with all of Roberta Kaplan’s minions to assist him in producing his most compelling rebuttal to Greg’s article…

Put both pieces in the New York Times and Wall Street Journal on the same day….

Take an opinion poll two weeks later….

And even were it true that everything he said was complete bullshit, which we obviously know is not the case…

We’d right this ship before the next election.

Just on style.


And it was a long piece, too. I kept looking at my scroll bar thinking “There’s no way he keeps this up for that long. There’s gotta be like another story by another writer at the end. Some tacky advertisements maybe, a lengthy solicitation by the site operators to donate perhaps.”

To satisfy my curiosity I scroll to the bottom before I’m even half done with the post.


I should have known better. It’s the Occidental Observer. They’re way too classy for that nonsense. Just dynamite content, header to footer.


So, I said the stuff he had to talk about was important, and I’m gonna let him talk to you about it. I put the introduction together this way because the way I experienced it was not what I hope you get out of today’s show. I want you to know what happened down there, I want you to have some idea of what it means, I want you to come away better informed.

But I wanted to lean on that inspiration part a lot because, frankly I endure some guilt about lacking my own and, consequently, not conveying much to you in recent months.

It felt really good for me to get a little bit of that back, and so I’m really enthusiastic to have Greg Conte back on the Radical Agenda, yet again, after far too long.

And I am just so grateful to him, and to all the other people who had the energy and the sense of duty to keep fighting this fight long after I an too many others  had our fill.

And especially to Greg personally, who, like your humble correspondent, actually got his hands dirty in all of this. He faced the enemy’s weapons. He faced the system’s malice. He’s been at it the whole time, and he has not lost his spark.

Whatever your ideas may be on what most good people call God, you be sure and say thank you to that entity for Greg Conte’s contributions to the future of your people.

So, without further ado… Alright, on with it.


I’ll have much more to say about this, and plenty more, when Radical Agenda airs live, this and every Friday at 9:30pm US Eastern on Odysee, and on the GetMeRadio app for smartphone, Roku, and FireTV.



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