Radical Agenda S06E035 – Simon Roche

Radical Agenda
Radical Agenda
Radical Agenda S06E035 - Simon Roche

I will be face to face with Simon Roche today during a special early broadcast of the Radical Agenda at 6:00pm US Eastern! It will be good to meet him in person finally! We’ve had him on the show twice before in April of 2017 and again in April of 2018. Simon is a White […]

Radical Agenda S06E034 – James Edwards, Uncensored

Radical Agenda
Radical Agenda
Radical Agenda S06E034 - James Edwards, Uncensored

James Franklin Edwards is a man I’d have done well to have discovered much sooner. Nineteen years ago, near to the day, he began a radio show called The Political Cesspool. Despite, or perhaps because of, being labeled the “nexus of hate in America” by the Soulless Perfidious Lawfare Criminals (SPLC), and the most ardent […]

Radical Agenda S06E033 – Against Judeo-Centrism

Radical Agenda
Radical Agenda
Radical Agenda S06E033 - Against Judeo-Centrism

One need not study history to know that the history we have been fed is absolute nonsense. Studying the news will suffice. One can hardly go a week in politics these days without hearing some reference to history’s archetypal villain being invoked. Adolf Hitler, the Nazis, the Axis Powers, any number of derogatory slang terms. […]